The Six Sigma management method includes measured financial results, uses additional, more advanced data analysis tools, and uses project management methodology and tools. Six Sigma and Other Quality Initiatives: The Six Sigma management method is more comprehensive than prior process improvement initiatives such as Total Quality Management (TQM) and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). The benefits of Six Sigma include better understanding of changing customer requirements, improvement of quality and delivery, reduction of waste, reduction of cost, development of robust products and processes, enhancement of competitive position, and sustained competitive advantage through continuous improvement of all business systems in the organization. The term was coined by Motorola in the early 1980s and used by others since then: GE, Boeing, DuPont, Toshiba, Seagate, and many others. The Six Sigma management method integrates profound knowledge of statistics, engineering, process, and project management. It is achieved through understanding the underlying processes, and reducing or eliminating defects and waste. It is used to improve the organization's products, services and processes across various disciplines, including production, product development, marketing, sales, finance, and administration. The Six Sigma management method philosophy focuses on better understanding of customer requirements, improving business systems throughout the organization, and enhancing the organization's financial performance. Understanding the Six Sigma management method and the integration of project management and Six Sigma strategies can provide project professionals important opportunities to support their organizations Six Sigma project leadership, mentoring, and training needs. Involvement in Six Sigma projects is becoming an important career path requirement in many organizations. It also specifies potential pitfalls of careless application of the Six Sigma method in project management. It proposes that projects are conducted under the quadruple constraints of scope, time, cost, and quality, and shows the implications of applying the Six Sigma method in each of these four areas. The paper presents applications of the disciplined Six Sigma method in project management. It clarifies the roles of various participants in achieving the bottom-line financial and technical objectives of each Six Sigma project, and the importance of evaluating the success of these projects. The paper presents the main elements of effective selection and management of Six Sigma projects, aimed at business systems improvement. The Benefits of Six Sigma include better understanding of changing customer requirements, improvement of quality and delivery, reduction of waste, reduction of cost, development of robust products and processes, continuous improvement, and enhancement of competitive position. Objective of Six Sigma projects are to improve the organization's products, services and processes across various disciplines, including production, marketing, finance, and administration. These objectives are achieved through profound knowledge of statistics, engineering and project management, as well as the underlying processes and systems. The Six Sigma method focuses on understanding customers' requirements better and eliminating defects and waste. It is rapidly becoming a major force driving the strategy of many leading organizations. The Six Sigma method has since been successfully used by many other organizations including General Electric, Boeing, DuPont, Toshiba, Seagate, and many others. The term Six Sigma was used originally used by Motorola in the early 1980s to describe the overall management approach summarized in this paper. This important topic has not yet received the attention it deserves in project management conferences and publications. Applications of Six Sigma in project management include effective management of Six Sigma projects, as well as using the disciplined Six Sigma method in managing projects in organizations. This paper provides an overview of the Six Sigma management method and the integration of project management and Six Sigma strategies.